Thursday, August 31, 2017

A bisexual labels for a boy

I made my first girlfriend in high school. She is a very bright and sunny girl, passionate about sports and passionate. The first time I held her hand, the first time I kissed her, the first time I touched her body, so many memories of the first time I still remember.
She was always full of energy, and her smile was as beautiful as a flower. We played together, studied together, exercised together, and hid quietly in the dark places of our school gardens at night, and we could find a lot of interesting things every day. At that time, I tought I was a straight and I would never be bisexual or gay. Because I was so in love with that girl.
But all good things never last long. As we went to different universities, we didn't contact each other any more.
One day I found out that I liked the guy who played football together in the next class room. It's a totally different feeling, a different life force. When he finished the game and lifted his coat to show his strong body, he was like a omnipotent man of God at that moment. The sun was plated with gold on his body, and the blood kept pouring in my mind. I knew I become a bisexual man or a gay man.
He was as young, confident, passionate and dreaming as I was. One day we ran together night after day, I told him my feelings for him, he declined, but still let me kiss him. The first time I kissed a guy, the tension, the excitement, the sense of conquest, and the sense of being conquered were completely different from kissing girls. Although there was no love between us, but our friendship was very strong.
I don't want to speculate his sexual orientation, we can continue to be good friends had been satisfied.

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